Blue Moon

A Norfolk 14' Restricted Class.
These traditional boats started life in 1930's and have quite a history. This boat that was bought second-hand in Norfolk by the previous owner's family in around 1931 and then spent most of its life at St. Mawes. Was brought back from Elmsworth SC in 2022.
After a long 'mending' process, friends sail this with with me at meetings and cruises.

1912 Yachting Monthly - 14' Restricted Class: Boats to be open boats, not exceeding 14ft in length overall, clench built, 140ft of canvas to cover whole of sail exposed, no outside ballast, inside ballast not to exceed 3 cwt, centre plate (exposed) not to exceed 4 square feet and 80 lbs weight, and to be of a uniform thickness throughout. Rudder to be ordinary woos rudder to unship. Outside fixed keel and deadwood together not to exceed 3 ins in depth, and the garboard strake to sow inside the boat. Draught, exclusive of centre keels, not to exceed 15 ins with crew and ballast on board. Crew not to exceed two persons.


A one-hundred year old boat!

You found me all alone,
Without a dream in my heart,
With no love of my own.
Bow and stern falling apart.

And then you appeared before me,
I mended and polished your soul,
To ride wind-driven currents,
You will soon sail by the lee.

Blue Moon, I saw you had a need
To be at one with the wind again.
The grand estuary you will soon reign.
From nature's ways, you will soon be freed,

Soon sitting at the quay
Planks now follow their bend,
The yard stretches out your cloth,
Gliding once more, you rule the sea.

I watched, as my blues turned to gold,
You set me free once more,
I, Blue Moon,


Am no longer alone.


Lovely lines

Hold the old lady steady!