The Conquest of the Antarctic.
A review of exploration of Antarctica. Highlights the contribution by New Zealand. Published Wingate 1956.
The Wicked Mate. The Antarctic Diary of Victor Campbell
Ed. by HRG King. The British Antarctic Expedition 1910-13 and its aftermath dominates the history books. There is, however, like 'The Worst Journey in the World' a tale of courage and determination that remains largely untold and forgotten. In 1910 Scott in his infinite wisdom sent six men to explore King Edward VII Land (The Northern Party). This was under the command of Victor Campbell. His exploration took him and his party to Cape Adare and then to pick up the relief ship at Inexpressible Island. The ship failed to rescue them and left them marooned without shelter and little food. They overwintered in a cave and then walked 230 miles back to Cape Evans. They were in a sorry state but alive and this is their tale. Read it! Recently published by Bluntisham books.
The Antarctic
A general view of the southern continent extensive coverage of the geography and science with a token jesture chapter covering exploration. Does have some good photographs. Published Blanford Press in 1969
Scott's Last Journey
A new edition of Scott's Journals with a selection of Pontings photographs. This book more importantly includes the deletions made by Lady Kennet (Scott's wife) and others to sanitise RFS earlier manuscripts. Harper and Collins 1999
The White Road: A Survey Of Polar Exploration.
Published 1959 by Hollis & Cater, reprinted as ' A History of Polar Exploration' in 1962 by Penguin.This is not to bad a book despite including Arctic exploration. It often comes up in bibliographies at the back of modern books, I think this is because it provides a reasonably detailed assessment of the early historical expeditions. The author was Director of the Royal Geographical Society.