ELIAS, Edith L.

The Book of Polar Exploration.

This details the history of polar exploration from 4th century up until Shackleton. Charming illustrations and a very decorative binding. Published 1928 by Harrap


EVANS, Admiral Sir Edward.

South With Scott

This is probably the most common book on Scott's expeditions. Evans was Scott's second-in-command and all was not well between them. Both Scott's diaries and Evan's own account do not develop this. Evans returned to England before the bodies of the polar party was discovered. His version of events may initially seem to be first hand accounts but this is not the case. His prolific output satisfied a public demand for more information about the Antarctic at the time. The man who went on to become a war hero and rise through the ranks of the Navy was a publishers dream. His books now are rather dry reading and lack the juicier details of the personalities involved.

British Polar Explorers

Published 1943 by Adprint a Britain in Pictures' Series.

The Desolate Antarctic

A rather dry summery of Antarctic exploration. Published in the USA as 'Man Against the Antarctic'. Published 1950 by Lutterworth Press.

Man of the White South: The Story of Captain Scott.

Published by Nelson 1958 .Written for younger readers.

The Antarctic Challenge

A history of exploration with special attention to Scott and Shackleton. Although Amundsen does get a mention and in glowing terms! The Staple Press 1955.

From Husky to Sno-Cat.

Yet another summary of exploration published by Staples Press in 1957

The Mystery of the Polar Star

Published by Partridge 1947

Adventurous Life

Autobiography of Evans of the Broke. Pub: Hutchinson 1946.


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