The Rhine Ride (14th May - 28th May 2014)

Andermatt, Switzerland to Rotterdam nearly always following the Rhine


Day One/Two

GETTING THERE - Easyjet, Luton to Zurich, Midweek flights leaves at 11.30 arrives Zurich 16.00. Train from airport to Zurich HB (10 minute journey). Three trains to Andermatt. Arrived at 20.22.

DO NOT UNPACK YOUR BIKES! Plenty of time and space at Andermatt station to do this. On the trains it is classed as personal luggage if it’s bagged up. The last train to catch is from Goschenen to Andermatt (a 10 min journey) do not be tempted after a long days travelling to unpack your bikes and ride to Andermatt - the road is busy, bendy and dangerous.

In Switzerland the EV15 follows Swiss National Bike Route no. 2. Andermatt, Disentis, Chur, Rorschach, Schaffhausen, Zurzach, Basel.
France: Huningue, Ottmarsheim, Neuf-Brisach, Marckolsheim, Erstein, Eschau, Strasbourg, La Wantzenau, Gambsheim, Drusenheim, Sessenheim, Rœschwoog, Seltz, Munchhausen, Mothern, Lauterbourg.
Germany: The EV15 follows D-Route no. 8. Karlsruhe, Speyer, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim, Worms, Oppenheim, Mainz, Wiesbaden, Bingen, Rüdesheim, Boppard, Koblenz, Andernach, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Xanten, Emmerich am Rhein.
The Netherlands: The EV15 follows a number of LF-routes. Millingen aan de Rijn, Arnhem, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Hoek van Holland

Day To kms
Wed 14... Andermatt  
Thurs 15... Day at Andermatt 96
Fri 16... Chur (Hostel JBN) Train to top of Oberalp Pass 98
Sat 17... Rorshach (hotel) 89
Sun 18... Rhein Falls (Youth. Hostel) 96
Mon 19... Rheinfelden (Hostel Rosa’s) 71
Tue 20... Mulhouse (Enzo Hotel) 87
Wed 21... Sundhouse (Gite) 77
Thurs 22... Drusenenheim (Hotel) Train Karlsruher - Mainz 60
Fri 23... Mainz (Youth Hostel) 66
Sat 24... St Goar (hostel Rhine Gorge) 80
Sun 25... Ramagen (hotel) 33
Mon 26... Kleve (City Hotel) Train from Bonn to Kleve 95
Tue 27... Culomborg (Chalet) Train to Hook of Holland - Ferry to Harwich.

ACCOMMODATION - We wanted to spend two days at 'Andermatt Basecamp' (that was the name of the chalet we had for two nights). This was one of the hardest places to get to despite being able to see it from the station. We thought it was a great place to stay and sat in the sauna watching the snow come down. WARNING There are no roads to this ski chalet!

Overnight it snowed quite heavily although the roads were clear. Generally, it was cold and damp so our intended walking day did not happen. We were going to go to the top of the Oberlap Pass pass and walk up to the actual spring the Rhine starts from (that’s what it is says in the brochures, anyway).


Day 3 Andermatt to Chur.....Best downhill EVER!!!.... then lost, lost lost!

We decided right from the start NOT to extend our first day cycle by walking our bikes up the Oberlapp Pass (especially since it was deep snow). So we let the train take the strain. Took local service (not the Glacier Express, bikes are not allowed on that). This 15-minute journey saved us several hours of uphill travel. It is also one of the great train journeys in the world.
We were the only people on this train and got off at the first stop. There was heavy snow but the roads were clear! And yes, there is a lighthouse at the top of the pass. Only there so the Swiss can say they have the tallest lighthouse in the world.


We found the route difficult to follow and ended up on the main road as it seemed to be the most direct and easiest route. However, this road took us up a very steep and long hill to Filims which was way off our intended route. Panic set in a little bit and ended up at a very remote railway station at the bottom of a very, very steep hill. No way were we going back up it. There was a river running by but we were not sure it was the Rhine. Luckily another cyclist arrived and showed us a very well-hidden cycle track on the other side of the river. By more luck than judgment we followed the famous Swiss Grand Canyon, where the Rhine forces its way through a narrow ravine.


This was really for mountain bikes but it got us to the outskirts of Chur and a good tarmac road into the city centre. Stayed at a backpackers hostel (JBN). This was perfect for us, more so since we found a good restaurant nearby and had an excellent pizza.

Day 4 Chur to Rochach
....boring, long straight bits - then the sun comes out and it all changed!

When have major issues about the route signposting after yesterday’s farce. Interesting group discussions - you should NEVER NEVER say - ‘This is the way to go’ -unless you have positive, undeniable proof. Always keep an open mind and listen as to why this other person thinks he is right and you are not. Vice-versa, the person who is adamant should pause and ask themselves, why is this person doubting me? We conclude today that we will rigidly follow the signs.

As it was, the route today was fairly obvious as it is on top of very large flood dykes. The very wide path disappears into the distance and you can just see a gentle curve. When you get there it’s another long straight with a gentle curve. The views behind are of superb mountains. The view in front is of someones backside! We ride in line as there is a very strong head-wind so we take turns to lead. I always take a couple of days to get ‘in the groove’, something to do with my blood/sugar levels and fatigue overcomes me. I call time-out for a break nearly every hour. I need to stop and have a drink and something to eat fairly often.

Not the most exciting set of photographs but it does reflect the sort of day it was, long, long dykes overlooking a wide shallow river. We did run parallel with Liechtenstein. It wasn’t until we turned left at Lake Constance that things looked up. Firstly, the weather became sunny and the view across this huge lake was brilliant. Spent the night in a very nice hotel on the water-front. Its a very nice evening and we all eat at a pizza place (again) in a very old building. The views over the lake are superb.


Day 5 Rochach to Rhine Falls.......We ride with thousands!


Followed the shores of Constance then the German side of the Rhine. This was a good ride today. The paths were obvious and in superb condition. There must have been thousands of people out on their bikes which added to the occasion. Stopped midday at the medieval town of Stein am Rhein.

Just outside Schaffhausen, we join a big cycle rally. All the roads were traffic-free and at the end, we all got free drinks and goodies. The day was special. When we arrived at the Rhine Falls, they were packed with tourists. We eventually found the Youth Hostel which was a ‘castle’ within the grounds. Come the evening all the tourists had gone and we had the place to ourselves. The falls were spectacular. The hostel did meals and we had a nice time chatting to the cook and drinking the beer fridge dry.

The castle is where we stayed overnight. Made it so much better as we had the paths and viewpoints to ourselves after the blasted nuisance tourists (what are they like?) had gone home.


Day 6 Rhine Falls to Rheinfelden. Hot and lost!..........again!

Rhenfelden - nice town and a great hostel - Rosa's. What a nice day. Easy riding along the river edge and one of the best place we stayed at all week - Rosa was a very upmarket backpackers hostel lovely place and a very hard working Rosa looked after us very well. We finished off our last day in Switzerland with a very nice meal in a restaurant overlooking the river - a pizza, of course - its the national food of Switrzerland


Day 7 Rheinfelden to Mulhouse........Crossing borders all day

Well, it starts as soon as we leave the Rosa’s, are we on the right road? We think we are, although it appears to be a cycle path down a main road, not ideal. Today we went through Strasbourg. Which was not great at all as the path was being re-layed and again no diversion signs for the cyclist. Right in the centre of the city, we managed to pick up a cycle map which got us out of town. One of our group went charging off ahead and we spent a couple of hours looking for him. As we approached Basel again hit road works and diversions. It was easier in the end to all pile onto a tram and get a short ride into the city. Four bikes with kit on one tram caused problems for us but no one else seemed to be too bothered. In Basel it was hot, hot, hot, Had a quick bite to eat and we were on our way again. Hadn’t gone 1 km when we lost the route.

Our route

Andermatt - Basecamp

View from the Basecamp

Early next morning - we wonder what the weather will do!

Worlds highest lighthouse

Oberlapp Pass on a clear day

Off the train at the top of Oberlapp Pass

Only 1,233 kms from here


Route E15 not well marked until you get into civilisation.


Hostel at the Rhine Falls


The Falls were quite spectacular


Fall stats.