The Weather

Grumpy sailors 2nd favourite topic after moaning about the cost of boat varnish!


April, as the grumpy old poet said in a fit of meteorologically exact metre is the cruellest month. The latest figures show that he was right and that the month was the coldest and wettest since records were broken the previous year. Now the old, doom watch, 'C' list celebrity, weather people, despite the recent fine spell, tell us that May will have predominately unsettled weather over the month and sunshine is likely to be below average.

All right, I am not discouraged because, at heart, I am nothing, if not a weather optimist, I know that although this month we are likely to have horizontal rain, gale force winds, snow on high grounds and possibly in the valleys as well. June, which will be bursting out all over, will delight the eye and warm the cockles of the heart with its soft summer breezes, balmy nights, and blue skies.

So, we can continue to battle on through a freezing hail-lashed May with hope in our hearts and woolly vests on our breasts until June arrives and we can cast the proverbial clout. Of course, the month as the long-range weather forecasts will announce with the restrained glee of knitting women around the guillotine, can often be quite cold. The chattering satellites will tell us that it will not only be unusually chilly but that the vertical rain will hit us, snow will fall on high ground and summer hail storms are likely, not to mention low cloud, freezing fog and sharp frosts which will hit us with an emotional sickening dull thud. You seriously consider wearing your dry suit to go to the shops.

All through our turbulent June we will console ourselves that summer does not really start until July. That peerless month of puff ball cloud, the bird sings, the countryside revelling in verdant splendour, the flowers, the coastal town traffic chaos. At least the candy floss will be in full bloom.

Pity about July but the lightning both sheet and forked, thunder of unusually high decibel rating, lashing rain which floods the promenade and putting green, gales which sweep deck chairs to a watery grave, still a touch of snow on high ground with a suspicion of hail on low ground could happen.

Wait, however until August comes. There is a month, the full ripening of summer, the country gasping for breath in the near tropical sun, the birds too busy getting a tan to sing. Reluctantly dragging themselves to find a sluggish basking worm. Never expect too much from August except torrential rain. The only sport that flourishes that month is paddleboarding in the flooded main streets of holiday resorts. You are limited to placing bets on which raindrop will fall first to the bottom of the hotel window.

We hope that September will get the last sweet puff at the fag-end of summer and truly we get a few sunny days at which we sniff suspiciously and turn over like a puppy with a new squeaky toy. Then just as we think 'summer at last' a nasty nip turns up in the air and forecasters tell us that the autumn season of sniffs and mellow fruity throats is with us and that we can watch out for squalls.

October, we hope, will settle but the prophets of doom are on us again. Unusually cold weather is forecast but we refuse to accept this, still not believing that the birds have fled, and the first insidious click of the electric blanket is not being heard in the land. Snow appears on high ground, in the Highlands, the Cockbridge and Tomintoul road is blocked and the gritter lorries are loaded and ready to go.

November, we felt cannot be worse but of course, it is. December is positively Arctic and January is unspeakable so we will not speak of it.

Ah, but February which brings the rain and thaws the frozen fields again is bound we say, to be better, bringing with it perhaps a crocus or two, a glimmer of thin winter sunshine. Pity about February. Floods of biblical proportions soak the new housing estates built on flood plains. Who would have thought that continual blizzards would still be sweeping the land causing traffic chaos which has again caught the gritter people off guard?

March, we grasp like a thirsty man panting for an oasis 'must be better'. March roars in like a crazed lion shattering our hopes and roars out like a maddened elephant taking with it back garden trampolines and wheelie bins.
April, never mind what the poet said, cannot be worse. It is, although we never expected it to be the coldest and wettest since record began.

May, despite what we hope, will no doubt have vertical wind and horizontal rain with snow on high ground, traffic chaos with all of Britain suffering the beast from the east, west, north and south.

Ah, well there is always June, optimism is my middle name and Twitter handle.

The Sailing Forecast

The Sailing Forecast issued by the Race Office at 00.00 on Saturday 1st April 2024.

There are warnings of Sales in Gull, Rooster, Pinnel & Bax.
The general shopping List at 1300 hrs:
Musto, Northface, Helly and Hanson
10p off at Musto, while stocks last.
Prime delivery imminent by 1300 tomorrow.
Northface is veering, moderate, occasionally poor

Zhik, Crewsaver, Wetsuit Outlet.
Price becoming moderate reduced
to tears. Wetsuit shrinking
size 10 now 12 after Christmas

German Bite, Biscuit, Galley.
Stocks low. Bar tab moderate or poor
Peckish, becoming famished by 1 or 2
Increasing 3 or 4
dress sizes.
Moderate icing on cake.

Doom Bar, Wainwright, Adnams.
£3.20 now £5.75 poor.
Westerly, veering uncertainly.
Becoming paralytic after 6 or 7.
Occasional slurring.
Poorly later.

Hope to sail North Sea. Southsea
South veering North then East and West later.
Calm, violent storm 11 after start gun
Hard rain.

Laser, Topper, Wayfarer, Mirror
Fireball expected 420
GP14 storming soon
Capsize imminent

Old. Man and Grumpy
70's feeling 80
Still good for his age.
Rises occasionally.
If anticipation in sight

That is the end of the Sailing Forecast.

Forecasting stone on Berneray


